Show Notes
Beckett and Jamie sit down with the INCREDIBLE Derry Queen (IG: @derryqueenhaha) to discuss social media stardom, dating, and comedy before improvising a song with guest accompanist Hunter Hirsh.
Beckett and Jamie sit down with the INCREDIBLE Derry Queen (IG: @derryqueenhaha) to discuss social media stardom, dating, and comedy before improvising a song with guest accompanist Hunter Hirsh.
Episode 4
October 26, 2022
Beckett & Jamie talk comedy - and some of its not-so-funny aspects. Featuring Becca Nix Tham on keyboard, and recorded at The Lincoln Lodge. ...
Episode 1
April 12, 2023
Beckett and Jamie sit down with guest Ty Riggs (IG: @tyriggsyall) to discuss drugs, pop culture, and comedy before improvising a song!
Episode 1
March 01, 2023
Jamie and Beckett return for Season 2 with a one on one episode where they catch up and discuss some of their favorite pop...